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Braley Bridge

November 2011

November 2011

November 2011

November 2011

November 2011

November 2011

Braley Bridge is located in Randolph and crosses a branch of the White River. The bridge has also been known as the Blaisdell Bridge, the Upper Blaisdell Bridge and the Johnson Bridge. I can't find any information about the how the names came about, other than the road the bridge is on was once called Blaisdell Road. Most likely all names for the bridge came from nearby residents as it serves a short dead-end road.


There is conflicting information about the origin of the bridge's build date. What is certain is that it was originally built as an uncovered pony bridge. Note how the multiple kingpost truss only comes up halfway. This trait is shared with the Gifford Bridge just down the road.

Current Status: Open


Location: Randolph, on Braley Covered Bridge Road


Crosses: South Branch of the White River


GPS: 43.928534N, 72.555248W


Built: 1904     Length: 40 feet


Truss Design: Multiple kingpost


WGN*: VT-09-04    NRHP**: Yes


* WGN: World Guide to Covered Bridges Number

**NRHP: Listed on National Register of Historic Places

One source I have consulted notes the date of the original, uncovered, bridge to be 1883 with the covering added in 1904. The World Guide to Covered Bridges considers the build date to be 1904. Still more evidence in the form of the date "1909", which at one time graced a portal, points to that date to be the origin of the covering.


At any rate, this bridge stands out as a rare example of an open bridge being converted to a covered bridge. In this case, additional vertical members were added onto the top of the truss to support the roof... not exactly the most laterally stable design. In 2003 the roof was damaged by a tree that fell on the bridge. During that incident, a lean was induced, which may not have happened if the bridge had a full-height truss. The lean was subsequently repaired. In 1977 the floor was strengthened with the addition of steel beams.

Visiting the bridge:


This is one of the handful of bridges where some care is definitely advised, whether visiting by car or motorcycle.


The road dives down a hill and curves slightly. It is a one-lane road and unpaved. At the time I visited, the road was more like loose gravel than any kind of hard pack, so motorcyclists will need to pay extra attention to road condition. To top it off, it would not be unusual to see chickens running loose near the bottom of the hill near the bridge.


Parking is available on either side of the bridge, although the quality and size of it is not great.


Special care needs to be paid when leaving the bridge. The top of Braley Covered Bridge Road has poor sight-lines both north and south, and combined with the speed limit on Route 14, getting out can be a challenge. Accidents have occurred here in the past, so please be on guard!

All content © Copyright Steve Bergeron
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